5 reasons why a photo session should be part of your training program
You are a Champion. A champion long before you step on any stage and a champion no matter where you place or trophies you win or don’t win. But I think you’re cheating yourself by not budgeting at the start of it all for some professional photography and here are five simple reasons why.
1. The stage is not enough
Let’s face it, you will never have enough time to shine on stage. The ten minutes or so you get will never measure up to the half day or full day photo session experience with a talented photographer. And the few photos snapped by your friends and family from the middle row somewhere are not exactly framable either. I think you deserve more.
2. You deserve it
You have earned to have some amazing photos of yourself.
Training and exercising in order to stay healthy is one thing, but what you’ve taken this to the next level. You are an athlete. An extreme athlete at that. You have taken your body to its limit and your mind beyond the limit. What you’ve done is created a piece of art.
3. You’re more than a beautiful body,
you’re a piece of art
You are a piece of art! There is no doubt about it. As a competitor you are no different than the Michelangelo’s statue of David so many admire in a museum, except that David is eternal, while what you’ve shaped is going to fade. Not to mention the fact that it would be really creepy if all those Hawaiian shirt tourists kept walking through your living room taking pictures of you!
4. It will help you remember
You are a piece of art and planning a photo session will make you eternal too. A good photographer can capture your beauty and take something that very naturally fades, and turn it into something you can remember forever.
5. It will inspire others
But it’s not just about you. When you get to be eighty or ninety and you are telling your great grand kids that grandma was a bikini or bodybuilding competitor, they might think nana is on the sauce again. But you’ll be able to pull out a stunning album, which will increase in value a thousand times, and inspire them to live life to the fullest as well.
There are more reasons than this why planning a photo session before you compete is a must. It should never be an after thought and you should never let the cost fool you by not seeing the value.
You are a champion and deserve it.
Athletes who train and compete are very similar to brides and grooms. They know have valuable of owning great inspirational images of themselves but they often ignore getting them, that is until the end. It is the very last thing they do. Scrambling to find a great photographer, often seeing the cost instead of the value of the experience.
The cost of being a fitness competitor is great. You pay for your passion with heaps of time and piles of money. There is the gym membership, personal trainer, posing coach, and twelve week nutritional plan. There are fashionable outfits to be had for training and just hanging out. There are skids of chicken breasts to be consumed, cotton bags of vegetables to be eaten, and barrels of protein powder to drink. Not to mention this supplement and that one.
There is also the Swarovski-crystal posing suit to buy and God help you if someone else is sporting the same one onstage! There are association fees to pay. Registration costs and tickets for friends and family.
Then there is the tanning session you need so that you don’t look like a ghost or a ripe orange under those bright spot lights on the stage. Plus there is hair and make up to consider and probably few more small things that keep adding up to the cost of your madness.
All this, while you go to work, take care of your family, and juggle a myriad of other commitments.
I for one believe you’re a Champion. A champion long before you step on any stage and a champion no matter where you place or trophies you win or don’t win. But I think you’re cheating yourself by not budgeting at the start of it all for some professional photography and here are five simple reasons why.